who doesn't love a good adventure.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Post #3 - A Little Oklahoma Fun

New Goal:
write something nice about Oklahoma everytime I post. It's going to be hard, but my goal this semester is to be positive.
Nice thing this week...
BEAUTIFUL sunsets.

Onto this weekend... super fun!

on Friday night my friend Mary and I decided to get pizza from a local place Papa Angelo's (AWESOME pizza, closest to Bostones as it gets.). Watched Monsters vs. Aliens on the lawn and then were bored so we cruised Lake O. It was cool to go to the dam. We climbed a few fences and a bird attacked us... for real. Then we happened upon this AMAZING lightening storm. We started listening to this band Sleep Whale (local band from Denton, TX area... listen to them) and the songs were going exactly along with the lightening... God is amazing. the end.

Saturday was an adventure. Went to a real good old Oklahoma rodeo!
It was a lot of fun. They had this thing called the "ring of fire".... it was scary! The contestants stood in the middle of this ring and they let a bull loose. Last one standing in the circle won $100. It was not fun to watch, well depending on who you are you would think its fun. HA!

Funny Happenings... Mustang is a really weird city. I have never had so many weird experiences in one night.
Why Mustang is so weird:
1.  people honk at you and try to get you to lower your window... the whole time starting at you creepily.

2. The Ring of Fire... It's crazy!
That's the ring of fire...

3. They have tiny fairs where all the workers are sleeping or hitting on you.

5. People yell at you that you need to go home because you're drunk when you're actually quite sober.

6. They fly these flags on their cars.

That about sums up Mustang! haha It was a lot of fun. Memories were definitely made.

Also Sunday, I went back to Red Cup and it was a lot of fun. I think I'll go back again sometime.

Another successful weekend... I'm going to try and keep this up.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Post #2 - back to OKC

I'm back in Oklahoma.
that about sums it up :] just kidding (I searched Oklahoma on Google, this was the first image that came up).
there are some nice things about oklahoma like the bugs and allergies it gives me.
truly though I'm going to have a better attitude this semester and be happy about where I am.
I really do like my school and have some great people to surround me.
So far I've had an exciting all night adventure that ended with making chai mix (which is a wonderful idea, I highly recommend making your own. Saves money... and tastes really yummy! We used allrecipes.com and combined a few recipes to fit our tastes.) I also went to visit my grandparents this weekend, a much needed visit. I am now thoroughly worn out from this weekends excitement.
Oh wait to go back in time I forgot...

MY 21st! It was wonderful :] no big trip like I hoped but I got to hang out with my friends and they were great. It was a good last hurrah. If ever in the North End in Boston, reserve a table at Il Villaggio for dinner and eat there! This is my friend eating his food. Lovely isn't it?
It was around $15 a plate, but totally worth it! The food was awesome and service was good. It was little and cute and super fun.

First drink was at this dive bar called the Beachcomber. It's pretty funny and really just on a trashy beach. It was pretty funny. We also hung out all night out at this place we call Squantum which is one of my favorite places ever. Its beautiful and the Boston skyline is right there in view.

Beautiful right?! I already miss the ocean, Boston, my friends and Ian. Its a little tough, but I do have my wonderful family and friends here in the South!

Story! Ok so getting back here proved harder than I thought. Weather ended up getting me stuck in Baltimore and staying in this hotel near the city -  which had free pick up service that took an hour and a half to get there... meaning we stayed at the hotel less than seven hours. hurray. Finally made it back to Texas only to find I had left my laptop in the airport in Boston. It was a great trip... I ended up missing a day of school.

Anyways so that's my last couple of weeks. I finally am able to get on my computer and feel complete again. Sad isn't it? Anyways hopefully I'll be able to post about something exciting soon. I am hopefully going on a small trip with a friend soon. Cross your fingers! :]